The world of unknown and fear - part 3 ( aghori; vodoo)

Ritual of Aghori in India

The Aghori (Sanskrit aghora) are a small sect of Shaiva sadhus who practise asceticism. They practise post-mortem rites. They sometimes live in charnel houses, rub cremation ashes on their bodies, and make kapalas out of human bones (skull cups which Shiva and other Hindu deities are often iconically depicted holding or using)

Their actions are often seen as incompatible with orthodox Hinduism.

Many Aghori gurus are held in high regard by rural communities because they are believed to possess healing powers as a result of their eremitic rites and practises of renunciation and tápasya. Aghoris' convictions are based on two universal concepts.

Shiva is perfect (having omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence), and Shiva is responsible for all that happens: all circumstances, causes, and consequences, according to Shaiva beliefs. As a consequence, all that exists must be perfect, and to deny perfection is to deny the sacredness of all creation in all of its forms, as well as the Supreme Being.

Ritual of Voodoo in Africa

In Benin, voodoo is fully embraced. Similar beliefs are held by people across West Africa, especially in Togo,  Ghana, and Nigeria, but it is accepted as an official religion in Benin, where it is practised by about 40% of the population.

There is a national Voodoo museum and Voodoo Day is a public holiday. It has none of the negative connotations that it does in the West, and many Christians and Muslims, particularly during times of crisis, integrate some Voodoo elements into their beliefs. But Voodoo is more than a religion; it is a way of life that incorporates culture, philosophy, language, art, dance, music, and medicine.

People here do not stab needles into dolls to hurt their rivals, as seen in some Western films - this image may have originated from the symbols of a specific god held in a priest's shrine. Herbs are used by certain Voodoo

priests to heal the ill - and possibly to poison enemies. They can also order presents, such as a chicken or a cow, to be sacrificed to the divinity, or alcohol to be poured on the floor. This can happen when you ask for assistance or when your wish is granted.

 Top 10 Paranormal Glossary Terms

- Disembodied Speech: A voice or sound of no discernible source.

- Elemental: Fairies, goblins, and banshees are examples of supernatural nature spirits.

- Intelligent Haunting: Activity caused by a conscious ghost or spirit interacting with its surroundings.

- Inhuman Entity: A supernatural being, such as a demon or jinn, that did not begin life as a human.

- Paranormal: Simply meaning "beyond natural," it refers to something that isn't explained by science.

- Pareidolia: The brain's interpretation of a meaningful pattern within random sounds or images is known as  "matrixing."

- Possession: A state in which a person resides and has power over a living being or object.

- Prepper: An apocalyptic-minded person who is planning for survival during an impending social or global change and, most certainly, catastrophe.

- Residual Haunting: Repetitive paranormal activity caused by a person's or event's energy imprint in time.

- Spirit: Unlike a ghost (see above), a spirit is the soul of a dead person who has passed on and now lives on a spiritual or metaphysical level.



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