Current situation in france- France is currently heading towards the most gruesome civil war of all time.

France is currently heading towards the most gruesome civil war of all time

France has recorded a history of eternal struggle to date. And once, a proud civilization is now collapsing to its knees. While the religious population ratio of France is almost close to 40-40-20. 40% with the catholic majority, another 40% of nonbelievers, and the remaining comprise of all the other religions.

But the fact that Islam is the third most populated religion in France is alarming.

Infamous for conversions, the chances of major demographic changes are bound to come if not stopped. Islam, in France, can even make it up to the second most popular religion. 

The most dangerous part of all this is that France is suffering greatly due to the Jihad agenda.

A continuous series of murders is just too much for an independent society. Experts say that it might end up like Mesopotamia if mass murders by the Sunni Muslim community continue.

A letter, serving as a warning, was issued to the French government after a signature set of 1000 military officials. The list included 25 retired military men along with World war 2  hero, Charles De Gaulle. While the Macron-led government criticized the letter, Marine Le Pen, a far-right activist and probably the next people's choice for the French Presidency, endorsed the letter of controversy.

France, being new to the entire radical Islam game is giving no priority to the situation. Before they will know, they will be turned into a collection of heads and will be deemed as kafirs.

The biggest examples of these radical understanding are India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, etc. 

The need of ethnic cleansing is needed or the entire country will once again repeat the same mistake of letting the peaceful community spread peace.


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