Rohit Sardana, senior jornalist of aaj tak succumbs to COVID-19

 Rohit Sardana, the gem of nationalist journalism passed yesterday due to a heart attack.

Considered one of the most fearless reporters, Rohit covered the topics which most of the media avoided due to religious appeasement and pampering. 

One of the most controversial shows includes 'Fateh ka fatwa' hosted with fiery commentator and writer, Tarek Fateh. Fateh ka Fatwa was so controversial that it was banned from the Indian mainstream. That very moment, India understood that the country is in the hands of appeasing puppeteers. Fateh ka fatwa was mainly focused on Islamic radicals and how they were revealed.

The show made a little too much progress and it was later banned with Tarek Fateh being mob launched at the convention. Rohit Sardana continued as a panelist and later hosted another similar show, Dangal. Dangal made the headlines as barbaric Islamic ideologies were getting exposed every day. 

The death of 42 years old Rohit Sardana shocked everyone. But a few vultures of the leftist media took it too far. The death of a person was getting celebrated and criticism flew off the Twitter handles. As usual, the screens of the tweets will be shared. Read the names and you will know the identification of these demonic vultures.

Courage, humor, sense, and intellect, Rohit Sardana will be recorded in the history pages of independent media.


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