The War Continues; The Battlefield in Flux

 The Bitter Outcry of Proletariats & Impending Doom Upon In-debt Nations 

In this world, almost 24000 people die daily. The reason for their starvation to death is a disproportionate division of wealth. That wealth does not always come in shorter numbers from the state authorities. However, the global institutions of the economy are creating this precarious situation, where the poor are still on the receiving end. Some countries are enjoying unrestrained advantages; whereas others drown in poverty. International institutes like IMF, world bank have not only failed in mitigating this clear divide, but these institutions have also failed in disclosing the intention of leading countries. 

One can claim that these forums are used to help leading global states to maintain their power and sway. In this entire scenario, the poor of poor states are always on the destructive line. They have suffered in every kind of situation. It may be an economic recession or an economic boom; the underprivileged have remained appalled in this brutal world. 

The situation has further aggravated when the leaders of developing countries have colluded with the ambitions of the global empire. Many global leaders have not resisted the conspiracies of the USA and leading corporations. Instead, they have welcomed them to consolidate their influence at the cost of natural resources. This underlying tendency has ravaged the lives of millions.

Ulterior Motives behind granting Monetary Relief.

On the ground level, global institutions like the World Bank and IMF are deemed as the saviors in this uneven world. However, in reality, those institutes have colluded with the developed states of the world. Their primary aim has been to give dept to developing countries. Although this practice seems very much appealing, in reality, those poor states cannot repay those debts. Resultantly, developed states like the USA compel them to pursue the interests of the USA. 

In return, many development projects are installed in those states. In this regard, the example of Ecuador, Venezuela, Panama, is more prolific. These countries were advised to build big projects and infrastructure in their countries. Power plans, modern technology, skyscrapers were to be built, but the leading corporations in the world were to decide how much it will cost to build these kinds of projects. 

Economic predictions come up with inflated numbers. Eventually, leading those countries to lend mammoth loans from the USA and other banks. It was apparent that those poor states could not repay! Therefore, they were likely to fall in the trap of the USA. In return, the USA compel those states to support the stance its, in every global affair. Many times, the USA military invaded those states to extract their natural resources.

If you’re not with them; You’re against them.

For instance, Ecuador was a rich country in natural resources. The leader of that was not toeing the tine. In reply, the USA changed its course of action. Ultimately, the president of that was assassinated mysteriously. The same was the case with Panama. The great general of Panama, Torrijos, did not relent. He was considered as a sign of indefatigable resistance against the power of the USA. 

Eventually, he was killed in an airplane crash; thus leading towards the USA‘s puppet who became the next leader of Panama. However, the case of Venezuela is very different. Although he was toppled yet, he managed to resist and return to power in not more than 72 hours. On the contrary, the Shah of Iran was removed, and Mossadeq was installed on the orders of the USA, the shah was once again brought in. 

Similarly, the case of the house of Saud is very interesting. The monarch family was exploited, and as a result, Saudi came to fulfill the needs of the USA in the realm of oil. These scenes prove that the USA tried illicit and covered tactics to lead the world. Many a time, the leaders of the developing country joined the cause of the global empire. As a result, the poor suffered are still suffering owing to huge debts.

The War Continues; The Battlefield in Flux.

 Although the entire world wants to maintain peace and equality, the steps of leading countries have contributed to the cause. Amid this entire scenario, there raises the question of whose is the fault. It is quite a difficult task to indict on person or organization. Before this century, the stock of trade was very much unclear. 

However, as the world has developed, the methods of dominating the globe have changed completely. Military power has been replaced with economic policies. Among these economic policies, there are different guiles and guts which are misleading and leading towards the myriad of unending debt. 

Although yet it is difficult to find who is the culprit amid this open treachery. On the one hand, poor countries are witnessing humanitarian assistance and economic aid. On the other hand, countries like Panama, Iraq, and Venezuela, which are the top exporter of oil, are suffering from inequality and regression.

Final Verdict


However, maintaining equality remains a far cry. The world has not reached the end of the tunnel. Many progressive ideas are bandied about; however, every time there is a hidden scheme, which plagues the lives of the poor. In the words of Stephen Cohen, “it is necessary to get politics before aspiring for putting the economy right. Despite this entire steep path, the situation has unraveled more than ever before.


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